Councillor - Howdenshire Ward
I am married with 3 children and 4 grandchildren. I have lived at Walnut Grove , a farm in North Cave for the past 30 years and I have raised my family here. I ran a farm shop for many years and then an animal and pet food supplies business for over 20 years.
I have served on the East Riding council for the Howdenshire Ward for the past 4 years and have found the people to be both friendly and welcoming. The 15 parish councils, which I visit regularly, all have specific problems to their area and I am able to help solve most of them. I sit on North Cave parish council so I can use my experience to good advantage.
The issues which I deal with at East Riding council are mostly concerned with the health and wellbeing of residents and the scrutiny of schools and nurseries. I look at Ofsted reports, new building projects, safeguarding policies and their implementation and the many aspects of scrutinising our health providers. I have travelled the whole of the East Riding and the adjoining counties, visiting hospitals and schools to see first-hand the work undertaken by the NHS and the Education department. I feel the committees which I sit on make a real difference to the lives of the residents of Howdenshire and if elected I hope to be able to carry on with this work.
Roads, Prisons, Waterways, Housing and Industrial Development, Bin collections and recycling, Buses, Public Health, Quarries and Waste disposal sites are many of the topics that I answer questions on and find answers to. The job is very varied and it is one which I greatly enjoy.
I am determined to improve services for residents and to continue working to make this area a safe place where people want to live and bring up their families.